Pre-Prints (in reverse chronological order)

Revising the quantum work fluctuation framework to encompass energy conservation

G. Rubino, Karen V. Hovhannisyan, and Paul Skrzypczyk

arXiv Preprint.

Publications (in reverse chronological order)

Inferring work by quantum superposing forward and time-reversal evolutions

G. Rubino, G. Manzano, L. A. Rozema, P. Walther, J. M. R. Parrondo, and Č. Brukner

Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013208 (2022). arXiv Preprint.

Experimental entanglement of temporal order

G. Rubino, L. A. Rozema, F. Massa, M. Araújo, M. Zych, Č. Brukner, and P. Walther

Quantum 6, 621 (2022). arXiv Preprint.

Quantum superposition of thermodynamic evolutions with opposing time’s arrows

G. Rubino, G. Manzano, and Č. Brukner

Commun. Phys. 4, 251 (2021). arXiv Preprint.

Experimental quantum communication enhancement by superposing trajectories

G. Rubino, L. A. Rozema, D. Ebler, H. Kristjánsson, S. Salek, P. Allard Guérin, A. A. Abbott, C. Branciard, Č. Brukner, G. Chiribella, and P. Walther

Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013093 (2021). arXiv Preprint.

Communication through quantum-controlled noise

P. Allard Guérin, G. Rubino, and Č. Brukner

Phys. Rev. A 99, 062317 (2019). arXiv Preprint.

Experimental verification of an indefinite causal order

G. Rubino, L. A. Rozema, A. Feix, M. Araújo, J. M. Zeuner, L. M. Procopio, Č. Brukner, and P. Walther

Science Adv. 3, e1602589 (2017). arXiv Preprint.